Thursday, March 30, 2006

My Memories - College Essay

This is an essay that I wrote for my 12th grade English class and decided to send it with my college application.

There it stood with its barn red exterior and worn appearance. It is the house where I spent my childhood. I knew every little nook and cranny of the house, especially all the best places to hide when playing hide-n-seek. It had a very cozy exterior, and the rooms seemed to be enormous. I felt so comfortable and at home there, but of course, like every older house, it needed repairs and a lot of them. It was decided that the most convenient solution would be to just demolish the house and build a new one. Six, years ago, would be the last time that I would see the image of my house standing there.
The new house was built. The house was a lot smaller and it was very unfamiliar territory. All the walls were new and plain. There were no signs of marks accidentally put on the wall or where I had scribbled all over with green crayon when I was little. It felt really strange and did not feel like it was home. I missed my old house and I wanted things to go back to how they were before. When I looked at the house, all I could see was this strange building standing in the same spot as my old house.
Six years later, I find myself to feel completely different about the new house. I absolutely love my house now. I have discovered all the little aspects of it, although this time not by playing hide-n-seek, and have added my own touches to make it feel like home. The walls are no longer plain, and now I can find myself being relaxed and comfortable there. Now when I look at my house, I no longer see some strange structure standing there, but instead I see a place I can call home.
Just like feeling at home, life can also be a series of changes. There are so many transitions that have to be made throughout life. Whether it is moving from place to place or meeting new people, changes are everywhere. A lot of times people have to tear down or leave behind places and relationships and start anew. This is not an easy thing to do, but at one point or another everyone has to experience this recreation.
Soon, I too, will be undergoing one of the biggest transitions of my life, going to college. I will have to leave behind all the people I have formed relationships with and move to unknown territory. I will be in a completely different location without knowing anyone. I will be looking at some strange place wondering what to do next, but I know that change is a part of life, and if I make the best of it, I can form new relationships and build up a better final product. I know that one day after college, I will look around and see a person very comfortable and real to me, just like my new house.

My Memories - Pronto

I dare ya to play a game called Pronto with me.
I bet you won’t win. I go to my grandma’s house after school. I hate having to ride a different bus to get there. My sister usually watches me but she has basketball after school and my mom works til 5 so that gives me 2 hours at my grandma’s and that means 2 hours of Pronto.
When I get to my grandma’s house she says hello to me at the door and then we go sit in the kitchen. She usually makes me a pb& j sandwhich. I don’t like it very much. She uses homemade strawberry jelly. The chunks of strawberry gross me out but I eat it anyways even though I can’t barely swallow it. I think it makes my grandma happy. I try to hurry up and eat it because as soon as I am done it is time for Pronto.
My grandma taught me the game. It is like playing solitaire but you use eachother’s aces. We play Pronto everyday and I am starting to get better and better. My grandma is really good and competitive. She always gets the aces first. I hardly ever win. She tells me I get too distracted but I don’t know what she expects. There is a little black and white tv that is right behind me when I play. I think she turns it on so I won’t pay attention. Just another game strategy. It seems like everytime I turn to watch it I hear my grandma yell Pronto. That means she won again.
I know I can’t beat my grandma at Pronto but I do challenge my mom or dad sometimes and I always win. My grandma may be the best at Pronto but I am not that far behind her.