Sunday, May 07, 2006

Interview with Mary Ellen Gray (relation:mother)

1. Q: How old were you when President Kennedy was shot and do you remember where you were?
A: Yes, I was sixteen and I was in my english class.
2. Q: How were you told ?
A: The principal knocked on the door of the classroom and was talking to the teacher and then the teacher told the class that the president had been shot and was in critical condition.
3. Q: What were the reactions of everyone?
A: All my classmates and teachers were in shock and began getting upset and the school was dismissed early.
4. Q: What did you do once you were released from school?
A: I went home and turned on the TV right away. All the channels were news and they were replaying the shooting and were interviewing witnesses. I was glued to the TV for the rest of the day and was watching when they announced the president was in fact dead.
5: Q: What were the reactions of everyone when they found out he was dead?
A: It was very, very sad. People began going to church and had many memorial services. People were very sad because he was such a popular president.
6: Q:What was it like the days following his death?
A: Everyone pretty much stayed glued their TV. So much happened in the days that followed. I remember Johnson was immediately sworn in and then a couple days later I remember seeing Jack Ruby kill Lee harvey Oswald. Everyone was so shocked, no one could believe this was happening.
7. Q: Do you remember watching the funeral for the President?
A: Yes, I remember seeing a rider-less horse with the riding boots and stir-ups backwards, which stood for a fallen hero. I also, remember seeing Jackie with her widows veil walking with her two little children in the funeral procession. It was such a long ordeal and I felt so bad for Jackie, but she stood there so strong and brave.
8: Q: Can you compare the nation's morale from before and then after the assassination?
A: President Kennedy was one of the most energetic and youngest presidents and he always gave the country a sense of security and that we were on top of things. After he died there was so much confusion. People were saying the assassination was a Russian conspiracy and everyone felt nervous. I would say that the assassination started a period of uncertainty.


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